Ecoiffier Garden Turbo Mower

PRACTICAL FOR CARRYING YOUR TOOLS this gardening trolley which also serves as storage is the must have for all budding gardeners\nTHIS TROLLEY CONTAINS: 1 bucket decorated on the theme of fruits and vegetables, a sieve, a watering can, a shovel, a rake and 1 sand mould. Recommended from 18 months.\nFOR OUTDOOR FUN: Ecoiffier Toys offers outdoor games in various themes and colors to accompany children in the sandbox, in the garden or on the beach.\nPLAYING TO GROW BETTER: It is by imitating adults and manipulating different toys that children learn to apprehend the world around them, to become more skilful and more independent on a daily basis.\nGUARANTEED ORIGIN OF FRANCE TOYS: Ecoiffier Toys is a family business that manufactures all its toys in France.

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